eCommerce WordPress Themes

our process

Welcome to  online  store namibia , which will add a new dimension to your shopping experience! As stated in our Mission Statement, we strive TO MAKE IT EASY TO DO BUSINESS ANYWHERE in namibia .
. This online webshop solution is designed for simplifying your life!

how to make your order

STEPS 1:Search for products

Using the Search bar 

– please enter the product name, brand or part number and you will instantly see which products are available that match your search criteria

Searching by Category

 browse the products available by category (for example Apparel, Textiles & Accessories), making use of the dropdown category menu or under our main product divisions (in the yellow left side bar)

Searching by shops/Brand

 under store list click on the shop or search for your favorite shop  under selection will display all products from the same brand
store list==> search or select your shop ==> see all products available

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