Want to join hundreds of thousands of students studying at Nust. Here is some step to follow to get you in the Nust family.
- Visit nust kiosk
You can click here and and navigate to nust kiosk page.
- Click on the register space
Using your computer or laptop you see the graduate icon on your left, crick on it and navigate to the online application form
- Fill the online application form.
You are now ready to own your space in Namibia University of Science and Technology, start the application and enter the relevant details asked. click (SAVE) after completing all the space to go to another page.
Applications closed 30 September 2021, Late applications will be accepted until 29 October 2021,late application fees is N$660, online application are free.
The application must be accompanied by certified copies of birth certificate/identity document and relevant academic certificates /latest school results.
Application forms for hostel accommodation can be requested at the NUST Main Campus, NUST Regional Centres or can be downloaded
from their website at www.nust.na
A non-refundable application fee of N$230 must accompany the application. do not send cash through the post or when posting. Payments can be made by bank deposit. Enclose your original deposit slip with the application. It is important that you keep a copy
of the deposit slip for your records. Our banking details: First National Bank, Account Number 55500126319, Corporate Branch Windhoek,
Branch Code 281872. Postal orders are NOT accepted as payment
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