How to register a drone in namibia.,
Drones are allowed to fly in Namibia but with a contain Regulations and Guidance, Authorisation and Safety requirements are met.
“To operate a Namibian based drone, you need to register the drone and then obtain a RPAS Letter of Approval (RLA) for yourself as the operator.
For the requirements for registering and operating a drone please see the forms and instructions available from (Namibia Civil Aviation Authority)
- Completed application form (document 4)
- Send Proof of payment of registration fee of N$745
- Get a Drone specifications
- Attach a Certified copy of your id, if the drone is being registered in your name
- Attach Company founding statement if the drone is being registered in a companies name, plus Certified copies of the board directors Identification documents
- A Proof of compliance with Customs or Tax.
For RPAS Letter of Approval (RLA) required for operating outside the premises of your own property, please attach and send the following to [email protected] :
1. Completed application form (document 2)
2. Certificate of Registration (as above once approved)
3. Liability Insurance for the Drone
4. ID of pilot(s)
5. Proof of payment of the fee of N$300 for private or N$4500 for commercial
6. A letter of intent for commercial applications
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