See image are crucial part of every product to any store owner. They convince a shopper to take the next step in the buying process, offer beautifully shot, highly detailed photos of your products, and you’re that much closer to getting a click of that “add to cart” button.
Time needed: 40 minutes
- Use high-resolution photos
Most of seller find it difficult in finding a way to supply shoppers with the high-resolution photos they desire while keeping product pages loading quickly.
You can take higher, we recommend taking original product photos straight from your camera or your smartphone. those are highest resolution photos that will look great —and load quickly when saved in a web-ready format. - Keep your image Pixel by 1000×1000
We recommend you upload JPEG files that are 1000 x 1000 pixels or larger (max. 256 MB), Amazing product images don’t have to slow down our site neither your product page
You can use photoshop to resize your image. No Photoshop? No problem: try one of these free online tools I trust canva is the best free design tool out there its easy just create a custom design with 1000 By 1000 pixel size, insect your image and download, remember you are required to have a canva account is free to get just sign up
try not use premium photos, icon and illustration that will force you to buy a pro vision.
Here i provide you with a step by step images on how you can start with canva to design your product image.
First sign up canva just click the sign up button and go through the registration process
Once your account is created you will the button on your right corner to
Create a custom design with 1000 by 1000 pixel
Then type 1000 by 1000 in .px and crick create a design
One your are done editing your product image hint “share” then download, keep the file type as PNG OR JPG format and press again download, you will see it downloading.
You see you just created a nice looking image for your product, congratulation !! - Reduce the size of your image
Thank to BuyNamib as it offer web-ready compression for your photos, allowing you to condense your files while preserving their quality, For additional you can use major website like TinyPNG to easily reduce the file size of your WEBP, JPEG and PNG file.
- Remove the Background if Possible or make the Background White
Stand alone image give a better clear of the item removing background on product image is key to creating polished, high-quality images for your business this has also wealth of benefits, including easy integration across sales channels, increased attention to your product, and improved image optimization for SEO. You can use to remove the background of your products image.
I also created a nice video on YouTube your can watch too checkout down below
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